Legacy Artists

At Wild Rose Management, we are proud of the artists we have had the privilege of working with over the years. Some of our former clients have decided to take their careers in a different direction, but their contributions to the Canadian country music scene are still an important part of our legacy.

Our legacy artists include talented performers who have made a significant impact on the music industry, including chart-topping hits, sold-out shows, and critical acclaim. While they may no longer be part of our current roster, we will always be grateful for the time we spent working together and the music they created during that time.

We remain supportive of our legacy artists and continue to be proud of their contributions to Canadian country music. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors and look forward to seeing their continued success in the industry.


“After careful consideration, we have decided to end our partnership with Superbed due to recent events that do not align with our values at Wild Rose Management.

Our commitment to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all is of utmost importance to us. While we have had a fruitful relationship with Superbed in the past, we cannot condone or support certain actions and views held by the band.

Some of the actions and views we do not condone include 50-minute performances consisting solely of repeated statements of the phrase “There’s a snake in my boot,” attempts to agriculturalize Jarry Park against Montreal, QC city ordinances, the unfunded reconstruction of Elvis Presley’s Lockheed JetStar for the purpose of recording a concept album about the “King of Rock-and-roll going on a sandwich run” in an authentic acoustic space, the promotion of the fringe conspiracy theory that cows are former humans who have eaten “Too many greens and not enough beans,” and the band’s recent provocations fomenting ongoing political tensions between the cities of Fort McMurray, AB and Fayetteville, NC.

We also cannot confirm that Superbed is in possession of “The biggest corn field on Parc Avenue,” nor can we hire professional session musicians solely to instruct them to eat grits around a campfire for “ambient purposes” or support the practice of implanting dirt into living cardiac tissue to demonstrate that “Country is in the heart.”

We wish Superbed the best of luck in their future endeavors.”

-Orissa Sheriff,
Wild Rose Management
August 31, 2021